Social impact project: Scholarships
Social issue: Right to education.
In Nepal in general, but in the rural area’s in particular, there is a huge percentage of the population living on or below the poverty line. This affects people in all sorts of ways ranging from opportunities for education and paid jobs to social status in general. It is a downward spiral that we think can be stopped or even reversed by access to education.
Project: A scholarship project by the name CSF (Child Scholarship Fund)
Target group: Children, especially girls, from poor rural families. Usually they are one parent families, families with parents (or children) who are handicapped, or families who have many mouths to feed.
Activities: ISW students are encouraged to meet the children already in the program and make house visits to see the situation they live in and if we can ameliorate the circumstances. me design and conduct workshops for women on different topics to increase awareness and to help them develop new skills like sewing, using a smart phone / ICT or even basic accounting. Maya also runs a microcredit program with these mother groups and ISW students can assist in many ways. ISW students can teach classes to teenagers on topics like sexual education and menstruation.
Supervision: Is being carried out by one of our for qualified senior members of the different mother groups, each holding a bachelor or master’s degree in social or pedagogical studies. They all have many years of experience supervising foreign students from different countries and studies.

Practical information
ACCOMMODATION – All volunteers that work in Nepal on projects facilitated by Maya Foundation stay with their project group in a host family in the surroundings of Pokhara during the week. During the weekends, volunteers stay in Pokhara, together with the whole group. COSTS – The costs for accommodation and meals in the host family during the week, accommodation during the weekend, and supervision from Maya and the onboarding week are some €440 a month. You will probably spend an additional €100 – €200 per month on food and activities during weekends and holidays. GUIDANCE – We offer additional guidance on site by a Dutch Maya crew member. Available 24/7 for all kinds of practical matters and fun activities.