ISW – year 3 – OUT OF SCHOOL

Social impact project: Out-of-school day care centre

Social issue:
In Nepal in general, but in rural area’s in particular, the day starts early. Mother is the first member of the family to get up, often woken up by the sound of the family buffalo grunting away
. Milking the animal is the start of a long list of chores mother performs each day. On many a day she leaves home early to tend the rice fields and comes home just before dark. Because school starts only at 10am, her children are left without real care and supervision for many hours. Our out-of-school care fills a real need. Mothers get an opportunity to increase the family income, children get the care they need while being able to do homework.

Project: The project offers home work support, as well as creative activities and sports & games before and after school for the children attending Janakalyan School. 

Target group:  Children attending Janakalyan School.

Activities: Students will assist the teacher in conducting homework classes and creative activities (in and outdoor) to a mixed and changing group of children aged 6 – 12. Students will also identify possible improvements and implement them, and observe existing activities and expand upon them, as well as introduce new activities; all in cooperation with teachers and management. They also have to evaluate the activities and the overall project to see how future interns could continue the work they have conducted.

Supervision: Is being carried out by the principal of the Janakalyan School of which the out-of-school day care is a part. Having fifteen years of experience in the field and holding a bachelor degree in management he is a steady captain of his team. He also has over a decade of experience supervising foreign students from different countries.

Practical information

ACCOMMODATION – All volunteers that work in Nepal on projects facilitated by Maya Foundation stay with their project group in a host family in the surroundings of Pokhara during the week. During the weekends, volunteers stay in Pokhara, together with the whole group.

COSTS – The costs for accommodation and meals in the host family during the week, accommodation at a hotel during the weekend, supervision from Maya and the onboarding week are some €440 a month. You will probably spend an additional €100 – €200 per month on food and activities during weekends and holidays.

GUIDANCE – We offer additional guidance on site by a Dutch Maya crew member. Available 24/7 for all kinds of practical matters and fun activities.

Interested ?


Please send your resume and motivational letter to: info[at] 

We are looking forward to welcoming you soon.