Internship Pedagogy: Oxford School / Snow View School
Current issue: Classes in Nepal are generally composed of children coming from a large variety of backgrounds. This highly diverse mix in the class room makes it interesting but also challenging for teachers and children alike.
Classes are often designed on teacher centered learning. This means that the teacher delivers information through presentations and (direct) instruction. In the Netherlands, we are used to a more child centered learning approach; the teacher focuses on each student’s individual needs or interests and tries to include this in the learning environment. From what we have seen at the schools, the teachers seem to find some difficulties in offering the subject matter at several different levels or placing it in different contexts, so that all children can relate to it. Besides this, pupils sometimes have difficulties in finding their position in the group, but also in relation to their teachers. Maybe this has something to do with the Nepalese school system; starting in class 1 (the age of 6) the classes are taught by subject teachers. This means that every child has 7 or 8 different teachers a day, one for each subject. Also, teachers tend to give much homework and spend much time during class on correcting this, instead of doing classroom activities..
There is a social barrier between boys and girls that seems to span their entire school career up to their final exams. Girls are often excluded from certain activities. Teachers often favorize boys. A tendency we see in society as a whole.
Home situations can vary widely and range from families having laptops and solar panels, to families where all members share the same small room to live, sleep, cooking meals, eat together on an open wood fire and even sharing beds. Children from poorer backgrounds might not have all the necessary materials like books and notebooks. Often they also have less opportunities to do their homework, because they have to help parents around the house or in the fields when they return home from school. Parents, in turn, commonly do not have the time or abilities to help out their children with their homework.
Project: The project involves a move towards an integrated curriculum. Connecting the curriculum to life. Creating context to content. Reaching all pupils. “Leave no child behind.”
Target group: Children attending Oxford School or Snow View School (age 4 – 18), their teachers and their families. Children with special needs.
Possible assignments: Pedagogy students can assist teachers with supplementary techniques, materials and subject matter to reach all pupils. Offering pedagogical support for children with special needs. Promoting equal opportunities. Promoting a pedagogical climate in the classroom. Offering 1 on 1 help (observations and interventions).
Students can do home visits and meet children’s families and their environment to determine possible problematic areas. Promoting equal opportunites here also.
Supervision: Is being carried out by the core team members of each school headed by Mr Bhumi Raj Adhikari (Oxford) and Mrs. Bishnu Adhikari (Snow View). They both have over twenty years of experience and hold bachelor and master degrees respectively. Furthermore, they have over a decade of experience supervising foreign students from different countries.

Practical information
Accommodation: All volunteers that work in Nepal on projects facilitated by Maya Foundation stay in a host family near the project site during the week. During the weekends, volunteers stay in a hotel in Pokhara, together with the entire group of volunteers.
Costs: The costs for accommodation and meals in the host family during the week, accommodation at a hotel during the weekend, supervision from Maya and the onboarding week average out to €450 a month. You will probably spend an additional €200 per month on food and activities during weekends and holidays. *
Guidance: We often offer additional guidance on site by a Dutch Maya crew member. Available 24/7 for all kinds of practical matters and fun activities.

Interested ?
Please send your resume and motivational letter to:
We hope to welcome you soon.
* Please note: All accomodation and transfers are being arranged by our partner Maya Travel. For actual costs and more, see: